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Freedom To Learn Summer: An opportunity to hear from nationally renowned speakers about racial understanding to develop cultural and racial competencies

VIRTUAL EVENT: Freedom To Learn Summer is an opportunity to hear from nationally renowned speakers/trainers about racial understanding that is foundational for the 21st Century in order to competently address the challenges of our time. Today, more than a dozen state legislatures passed laws that deny their public-school students the right to learn truthful history if it may cause one to feel guilt because of race; and many of the laws deny teachers and others access to training to improve cultural and racial competencies.

Freedom To Learn Summer is an education experience that seeks to support the development of cultural and racial competencies for students, parents, teachers, and community change makers. To be effective collaborators within the most diverse citizenry of any preceding generation, we require an understanding of the role of race in our lives, our histories, and our future.

Each day consists of two speakers, one hour each. Followed by affinity space that allows attendees to process topics, ideas, and racial and cultural competencies.

Group Rates are available. The first ticket is $64 with each additional ticket $25. Please email for details.